Plan View

When you open a schedule, you land on the project’s Plan view. In this view, you can see the schedule details (such as activities, work package groupings, dates, duration, and float) where you can create, detail and plan out the CPM schedule.

1 Contains customizable Gantt chart columns providing a summary view of schedule details including, but not limited to, activity/work package description, dates, durations, float, and cost.

This Gantt chart provides a visual layout of scheduled activities, work packages, and milestones over time. The Gantt chart also has integrated functionality allowing users to adjust dates, schedule logic, and schedule critiques.

3 The Iris contains the fine details of the schedule. Activities, work packages, and milestones that can be detailed out with specific constraints, tags, resources, reviewers, short interval planners, and events. Additionally, the Iris also houses the Smart Planning AI functionality which references and pulls in Knowledge Base information into project work packages and activities.

You can import or export a schedule in Plan view.

Gantt chart legend

Vertical Bar Type Description

Project start

The planned or actual project start dates

Data date

The point in time when the status of the schedule is recorded

Project finish

The planned or actual project finish dates
Horizontal Bar Type Description

Dark grey


Light grey

Completed activity

Black outline, white center

Planning package


Baseline activity




Non-critical activity


Critical activity